Saturday, August 23, 2008

Other Courses Offered 1997 - 2007

Banned Books and Censorship
Literature and social survey on contemporary and historical aspects of the First Amendment in the U.S.

Fantasy Fiction Workshop
Team taught with a Shabazz senior student, this course focused on elements of contemporary fantasy fiction and writing.

The Harlem Renaissance
A historical and literary survey of the rise of African American literature and intelligentsia

The Heroic Quest

Literary analysis and application of Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth Theory in Homer’s The Odyssey, Tolkien’s The Hobbit, and Episode IV: A New Hope of the early Star Wars trilogy

Images of Education in Popular Culture

Education policy studies course focusing on the process of education as portrayed in the popular visual media

Service-learning course on sexualized violence, co-developed with the Rape Crisis Center

Into the Woods: Reading and Writing the Naturalist Way
College-prep level writing intensive literary survey of naturalist writing in the U.S.

Life Prep 101 (Parts I & II)
Writing-intensive course exploring life/coming of age themes

Mythology, The Hero, and the Art of Story (Parts I & II)
Literature course studying the concept of “the hero” and the art of storytelling through classical and cultural mythology with an emphasis on Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth Theory

Patchwork: Women’s Voices and Experiences in Our Society (Parts I & II)
Service learning and discussion-based course combining strong curriculum, service initiatives, community partnerships, and creative projects to facilitate learning about gender issues

Social Issues in Books for Children and Young Adults
Literature and issues analysis using contemporary fiction

Warrior Women
Team-taught with a Shabazz senior student, course focusing on empowered women in mythology, history, and contemporary popular culture

The Writer’s Place / The Writer’s Workshop / Writing 101
Writing-intensive workshops designed to build skills and improve understanding of the writing process at all student levels

Writing for the Web
Team-taught writing-intensive project course using school Web site for student publication

Young Adult Literature
Introductory literature course using The Hobbit, Harry Potter, and a choice Young Adult novel